Seafarming Systems explores fish farming in the Adriatic
Seafarming Systems, as project promoter has together with partners: Salmalytics AS, Gekom d.o.o and Cronomar d.o.o, explored sustainable farming of Salmonids in the Croatian Adriatic, as well as cage fabrication in Croatia. In addition to the partners, Maribu d.o.o was also an integral part of the project.
The project: “Sustainable salmon farming and cage fabrication in Croatia” was approved under the Call for Bilateral Cooperation in Green and Blue Sector between Croatia and Norway. The call is part of the Business Development and Innovation Programme in Croatia aiming to increase value creation and sustainable growth in the Croatian private sector. The Programme is financed by Norway Grants and is a part of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021, with Innovation Norway as operator.
The main purpose of the project was to determine the feasibility of Salmonid farming in the Croatian Adriatic using Aquatraz, and/or other cages from Seafarming Systems. And if, so is it feasible to build these cages in Croatia? The project involved mapping both environmental and regulatory factors, as well as a study trip to Croatia, which included visiting several yards.
The short answer is, yes, it’s feasible to farm Salmonid in select areas of the Croatian Adriatic using Aquatraz with deep water intake and sludge collection. It is also feasible to fabricate these cages in Croatia, particularly for cages for use in Croatia.
The limiting factor is mainly high temperatures and low current at water intake depths. Unfortunately, the project also revealed that the temperatures in the sea have risen rapidly the last 5-6 years, faster than in the air and faster than expected. As the temperature is already at the edge of what is tolerable for Salmonid species, there is a risk that further increasing temperatures eventually may eventually render it unfeasible with Salmonid production in the Adriatic.
Seafarming Systems considers the project a success and plan to continue working with its current Norwegian and Croatian partners, as well as new partners in consecutive projects regarding Salmonid farming in Croatia.